Dear Parents,
Goodbye April, Welcome May! This month we have some fun and exciting things to look forward too!
During the month of May the themes are as follows for each class.
Kg 1: Continuing with "Growing a Garden"
Kg 2: Community Helpers
Kg 3: Hats and caps
Please encourage your child by sending anything related to the theme. If you have any story books related to the theme, please send it with your child. We would love to read it to our class!
We would like to welcome Faridaben Dawoodbhai in Kg 3 and bid farewell to Tasneemben Tayabji.
Important Dates for 3rd term:
8th/9th/10th July 2015: Religious holidays
16th/17th July 2015: Religious holidays
25th July 2015: Graduation and report day collection
12th August 2015: Opening date for first term 2015/2016
April Recap:Kg 1: Continuing with "Growing a Garden"
Kg 2: Community Helpers
Kg 3: Hats and caps
Please encourage your child by sending anything related to the theme. If you have any story books related to the theme, please send it with your child. We would love to read it to our class!
We would like to welcome Faridaben Dawoodbhai in Kg 3 and bid farewell to Tasneemben Tayabji.
Important Dates for 3rd term:
8th/9th/10th July 2015: Religious holidays
16th/17th July 2015: Religious holidays
25th July 2015: Graduation and report day collection
12th August 2015: Opening date for first term 2015/2016
We had a wonderful time in our fun filling day with grandmothers day. Hope grandmothers are motivated to make an extra effort and more participation with your grandchild.
Gifts to grandmothers from their grandchild.
Children's performance in the colour coded groups.
Musical chairs played together by grandmothers and their grandchild in the red group.
Yellow group were provided with craft materials to make any craft.
Blue group performed a puppet story and a dramatization.
Red group making a sandwich activity.
Blue group doing weaving together.
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