Washing your hands is the best way to stop germs from spreading. We showed them practically how to wash their hands step by step.
At group time we discussed how germs are so small we cannot see them. We used glitter to represent germs. We placed a small amount on one of the children's hands. Then that child shook another child's hand and repeated around the circle. By the time each child had shaken another's the "germs" had spread to everyone.
We did another brief experiment. I sprinkled black pepper in a bowl of water (the pepper represent germs). The pepper floated on top. In the center of the bowl I added a few drops of dishwashing soap and watched the soap "scare the germs away"! Discuss the importance of using soap when washing hands.
We performed an experiment on dental care. We boiled an egg ahead of time. Then brought in some dark soda. We placed the egg in the soda for a day. Egg shells and teeth coating are similar so we saw what happens when we drink soda. We talked about why we should keep our teeth clean and how we can keep them clean. Children first completed a worksheet where they drew what would they thought would happen to the egg. The next day we took the egg out. It was discolored, yellow, and looked like plaque. Children took a tooth brush with a little tooth paste and brushed it off. It REALLY came off. They loved it. They each got a turn.
Colds and flu are spreading with children. How can you help young children remember to take the steps to prevent passing these diseases on to others? We tell our children to wash their hands and cover their cough but they don't always remember. To help prevent this its important to cover your mouth by using a tissue. If you don't have a tissue, try to cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow. to prevent the germs to spread. Children created an craft where they stuck a hand cut out to cover their mouth with a tissue.
The children made a food plate using brown for the base (breads, pasta, rice) Green for the next level (fruits and vegetables) Red for the next level (meat, eggs, fish) and purple for the top(fats, candy, etc). They can cut pictures from magazines and collage them onto the proper food group. We talked about how more pictures fit on the bottom levels because they are healthier and how only a little bit of treat pictures were stuck because you shouldn't eat too much of it.
During Aliasger's Star of the week, his mummy was kind enough to share an activity. Toghether with the children they made a healthy snack. For Fatema's Star of the week, her mummy was generous to bring some fruits in and the children saw how a healthy sweet treat was made. Children enjoyed eating it! Thank you to both mothers!
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