Kg 1 Class Activities
Practical hand washing
P.E. Lesson
Dental Hygiene Brushing Teeth
Emotions Happy and Sad face
Rolling the ball at number one skittle
Pretend play of wearing glasses during a sense of sight lesson
Sense of sight
Sense of smell
Sense of touch cold soda and sound s for soda
Sense of touch
Painting number 1
Modelling number 1 and an apple
Sticking a sun and sand on number one.
Huroof bei batak
Self hygiene: How to cough and sneeze
Sound s: spaghetti
Sorting socks
Pattern of spoon and straw
Sliding down with sound s
Show and tell
Number one
Quran hifz lesson
Kg 2 Class Activities
Sound h for hand
Squeezing oranges for juice
Cutting activity
Formation of number 2.
Kg 3 Class Activities
Show and tell
Show and tell
Cutting Activity
Colour sight words
Making a colour wheel
Formation of Vv
Vegetables observation
Making a clock
Learning o'clock
Planting a tree and learning parts of plants
Letter G formation
Friday Activity
Ashara Ohbat Program
Skit by Kg 2
Poem by Kg 1
Skit by mothers for Ohbat, Noha aweel and Sabil e Hussein AS
Free Play Activities
Thaal manners
Respecting elders by doing salaam
Magic words tree
Social and emotional activities