Pre-primary had organized a small milad party for the children. Children celebrated Milad with some excitements! The girls applied mehndi and the boys had some fun outdoor play. Thank you to our volunteers for their kind help in helping in applying the mehndi. The children then all received a candy floss treat!
Free play activities
Vudhu practical
Bicycle and tricycle
Kg 2 class activities
Making peanut jelly sandwich
Planting wheat seeds
Rolling roti
Swimming lesson
Kg 3 class activities
Coin rubbing
Swimming lesson
Mathematical concept: Long, longer, longest
'th' digraph craft
Co-operative lesson on 'u' cvc word building
Group reading
P.E. Lesson
Children's work
Professionals of the week
Yusuf Jariwalla Interior decorator
Abiali Zakir Pilot
Farazdaq Najmi Firefighter
Friday Activity: Exploring foods