Welcome back to school! We hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday with lots of time spent together with family and friends. Hopefully we are all ready to settle back into school with a fresh start.
Our classroom has also made some bright changes. Hoping it creates a better learning environment for our children.
We have also renovated "Baitul Mufaddal" and it is now all set for our children to enjoy role play.
Special thanks go out to all the parents who helped their children with creative writing during their holidays to share in class.
January will be a busy and excting month. We have a lot planned! Our grand milad program and milad activities will take place soon. The children are busy preparing and can't wait to share them with you!
This month we shall focus on reviewing all learnt last term. We will continue reading everyday and do lots more of creative writing. This month our new theme is 'water'. We have plenty of splashing activities planned out.